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Find Expert Dawn Ledet in New Orleans LA

Dawn Ledet

New Orleans, Louisiana

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New Orleans, Louisiana
United States

About Dawn Ledet

Certified Life Coach 

I am passionate about coaching women to get clear on what they want and grow the confidence and self trust to go out and get it. To get the next promotion. Double your income. Write the book. Whatever you want to achieve requires self trust and support. 

Setting goals is a way to deliberately create your future.

Your NOW is creating your future results whether you do it deliberately or not. 

Don’t you want to be an active part of the process?

Setting goals is a way to focus your brain and attention towards things you want in life and how to get them. 

Look, our brains can be like toddlers with scissors if we don't manage them. Left undirected, our brains make us distracted and subject to what is happening around us.

But a focused mind can accomplish anything. It knows obstacles will come and can prepare for them objectively.You want to be the best version of yourself. 

As human beings, we are constantly evolving into new versions of ourselves based on many factors of our life experience. Doing it deliberately is the difference between settling for what comes and creating what you want. Goals are a brilliant way to do this. 

We don’t become better in having attained the end result but in the going after it. In the committing whole heartedly to what we want and going after it all in. In the confronting of all obstacles that come up. 

That is where growth happens.

Who you were is what got you what you have.

Anything new you want takes a new approach.

If you know how to set and achieve goals, you will never question what is possible for you again.

Imagine not doubting yourself. 

Not second guessing decisions and choices.

Not spinning in the fear of uncertainty- will it work? What if it doesn’t? What if I mess up what I already have?

Imagine feeling energized by your goals.

Inspired to set new goals because you always achieve them.

You develop the meta skill of setting and achieving goals that you can repeat with any new want.

I have helped many women set and reach financial, position and creation goals. 

Many of them are now on to goals they previously thought impossible.

You can be too.

Your goal is waiting.