Kansas City, 64129
Allen Little is a TEDx Motivational Speaker and the founder of the Accredited Life Coaching Practice A Little Motivation. In his company A Little Motivation he is a Kansas City Life Coach. A Little Motivation is a leading coaching practice focused personal & professional development. A Little Motivation has been proven to help individuals live authentically and excel effortlessly at what they do. His practice focuses on Empowerment over Anxiety & Accountability over Inconsistency. Allen’s coaching practice also has an accredited life coaching certification program that enables aspiring coaches to receive their certification and build their practice successfully.
Allen Little with A Little Motivation is a life coach in Kansas City however he has coached individuals from the U.S. to all the way in places such as; Canada, Nigeria, Bermuda and even transformed lives in the country of Greece. His ability to create direct and consistent transformations in peoples lives has allowed him to speak for companies such as MARY KAY, Boys and Girls Clubs of America and numerous business groups. Although Allen speaks & coaches nationwide and internationally, Allen has been coined, The Motivation of Kansas City. All the world needs is just, A Little Motivation