www.mindobody.coach - MINDOBODY

Feature Tutorials

How it Works Videos

Welcome to our tutorial page where we'll show you how to use the various features on Mindobody to maximize the benefits you can get from using the platform. We are in the process of adding videos to this page over the coming weeks.

Specialty Categories

How categories work. Choosing and adding your specialty categories.

Service Areas

How service areas work. Choosing and adding your service areas.

Profile Setup

How to setup your profile. Why completing profile it vital. Adding profile photo and cover image.

Dash Menus

Overview of your dashboard menus. Important links you should know about.

Resources Page

How the resources page works. Adding content to the resources page.


How upgrading works. The benefits of upgrading.

Search Ranking

How search ranking works. What you can do to increase your visibility.


How to use ChatGPT to create content faster.

Discussion Board

How the Discussion Board works. Using discussions to get answers to Webinar questions.

Country Maps

How country maps work. What to do to be found in the maps.

Sub Accounts

How Sub Accounts work. Using sub accounts for syndication.

Member Badges

How badges work. Types of badges and what they mean.


How the Academy works. The benefits of watching our webinars.

QR Codes

How QR Codes work. Advice on how to create custom QR Codes for offline marketing.

Profile Statistics

How profile stats work. What you can learn from your statistics.

Landing Page

How the Landing Page works. 

Brand Story

How you can get a brand story created for your profile.

Support Tickets

How Support Tickets work. What kind of support you can expect.